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SOmeonE SpECial

I know a man who lost his parents but refused to be called an orphan. He was man enough to love a strong woman years older than him, worked for her and made her stronger, opened his heart to her, shared his fears to no one but her.

He was romantic and was faithful to her till her last breath. Cleaned after himself and sewed his own clothes. He was good looking, courageous and fearless. He never judged anyone on their pasts or looks, and was moderate, open minded and tolerant.
His neighbor was Jewish and his cousin-in-law was a Christian priest. Beaten and exiled when he was helpless, he was merciful when he became stronger. Intelligent, wise and a hard worker, he built a long lasting nation out of nothing in the last 20 years of his life. He had no parents, but loved his daughters and grandchildren.

His last will was “Be good to women”.

This man was a mercy for all mankind, this is my Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam (may God’s peace and blessings be upon him)

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